Existential Adaptations
He is happy whom circumstances suit his temper; but he Is more excellent who suits his temper to any circumstance.
- David Hume (1711–1776)
Temper Your Existentialism Will Ya!
Existential Adaptations
Inspired by David Hume (1711–1776)’s quote, “He is happy whom circumstances suit his temper; but he Is more excellent who suits his temper to any circumstance.”. The titled responsion is…
A temporal reversal of circumstance is a truism of limited utility and so the spectrum of our consciousness isn’t a flip of a coin. The heuristic may act as a starting point to a discussion of happiness surrounded by mindfulness or mental health, take your pick.
The Way of the Turtle all the Way Down
Inspired by James Anthony Froude (1818–1894)’s quote, “Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of mistakes”. The titled responsion is…
Experience teaches gradually, at a great cost of missteps. Experience is not transferable from one form to another in morals. Knowledge is no longer transferable from one field to another. Love is not a forever self-enlarging process. The moment you understand experience is not a fixed entity, it can be changed, it will change, and you will be able to adapt to changes, rather than become fixed in time.
This is the reason why experience teaches gradually. It also explains why some people can change their minds about an issue without having any knowledge of it. A person who has no prior experience at all of how the process works can easily make the wrong decision without understanding the process. If this person has no experience at all at making decisions he can often make very dangerous ones. He can also be quite foolish at making decisions that he thinks are very good decisions. He may be thinking that he does not have a choice, that things are going to happen or that he has to go with the flow.
You do not have to have some kind of background knowledge to learn how to experience works, it just takes the willingness to take some risks. If you can be prepared to give up a part of your life for your education, you can become a better person and possibly even make a lot of money, too. However, most people do not have this luxury and have to take a lot of risks. The biggest risk is in learning how to change a course of action, a decision that they were not able to see from the beginning. They had no experience to be able to see the problems that were waiting around the corner and did not know where to turn to get around the problem.
You can’t be sure that when you go into a school that you will be able to get the education that you need when you go for an education, you may learn from some other sources like experience teaches slowly. As we said before, knowledge is no longer transferable from one field to another in morals, but it can be transferred from one field to another in experience.
When you make the decision to learn how to change your experience, you have to decide to take some risks and start the journey of change slowly. You will find that you may have some very difficult decisions that will be made during the course of your learning process. These decisions can make a big difference in your personal development as well as your social development.
One of these decisions can be, what type of course of action you will follow when making your change. Another decision can be whether you will follow through with it. Some people will choose to leave some of the old habits in order to make the new ones fit in. They will learn to give up things that have been holding them back, or may choose to start over, or to just make changes by completely replacing some of the old habits with new ones.
Learning to make the new habits takes time, patience and commitment. People who know how to make new habits are not the same people who try to make some easy fixes, they have the will and determination to learn how to change and adapt and make a different kind of person out of themselves.
Learning to make the new habits will help you get your life together and learn how to face some of the challenges that you have been facing and learning to face them. You have to be willing to take some risk and you need to make some mistakes in order to learn how to live with them. The more you learn how to face the difficulties and face them, the less you will have to take chances and learn how to make some easy fixes.
Timelessly Existential
Inspired by Henri Bergson (1859–1941)’s quote, “The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect was already in the cause”. The titled responsion is…
The present has nothing more than the past. We are all so accustomed to living in the present. When we go on a trip or take a vacation, we take with us our memories of the place and time we were there. But most people don’t really want to look at those memories; they want to move on with their lives.
In today’s world, most people have no interest in reliving the past. It is too painful. Instead, they are so busy planning their lives that they barely notice the past. They see themselves as moving forward.
But it is very important to remember that the past is always right there for you to see. If you are not careful, you can find yourself staring at your past with regret. For example, if you have been neglecting your children and have decided to change this, you might regret your decision years later. So even if you have moved forward into a new phase in your life and have become a better parent, it is still possible to regret your actions in the past. This is true whether you realize it or not.
If you are going to remember anything from your past, you will need to remember the good things. Most people spend their entire lives trying to remember the past mistakes of other people. They forget the good things about them. They can’t seem to remember the kindness that their parents had for them.
You can use your past in your present, if you remember the good things about it and give thanks to those people who made them possible. Even if they had done something bad, you could always find something positive in it and remember it. Even if they did something that is against your best interests, you could find something that makes you think better of them.
You don’t have to dwell on your past alone. Many people want to move on with their lives but they are unable to forget their past. This is because they don’t have the ability to do so. They can’t live life from their past, but they can’t live life from now. They are only able to remember what happened in the past, not what is happening now.
To get over your past, you should focus on the present. Make sure that you are grateful for what you have now, as much as you can be grateful for what you have lost. When you reach the end of your past, look at what you have and the world you can decide how you are going to make the future happen. Now is the time to stop dwelling on your past and start living in the present.
Your present is full of possibilities. The present contains nothing more than the past, so focus on your present. Don’t dwell on the past. Live for the future and the possibilities that will come your way.
Your present contains nothing more than your past, so make sure that you focus on the present. Don’t dwell on the past. Live for the future and the possibilities that will come your way. Now is the time to stop dwelling on your past and start living in the present.
The present contains nothing more than the past, so you should focus on the present. If you don’t concentrate on the present, you won’t be able to remember the past. So you can’t forget your past, so you will never know what happened in it. if you don’t remember the past.
Your present is filled with everything that is possible, so you should focus on your present. and live for it.
Focus on your present and you won’t have any problems in the future, because your past will always be a memory. a memory that is not important and will be forgotten. once you understand this, you will become a great person and start living in the present and not the past.
Temper your Convictions with Experience
Inspired by Flannery O’Connor (1925–1964)’s quote, “Conviction without experience makes for harshness.” The titled responsion is “Temper your Convictions with Experience”. What follows is subject to revision, do you have any suggestions?