Homogenous Hospice Hospitality
Youth is wasted on the young.
- George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)
Reverse Engineered Entropy is a Contradiction in Terms But Not in Conversations
Homogenous Hospice Hospitality
Inspired by George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)’s quote, “Youth is wasted on the young”. The titled responsion is…
If You Are Lonely When You are Alone, You Are in Bad Company
Inspired by Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)’s quote, “Nice Truth reversal”. The titled responsion is…
This is a very unique titled responsion reversal. In this case (and I believe this is the only time I have done this), I included the author’s quote in the title and my responsion in the space dedicated for the quote. Novelty seekers are not the only target, the move is philosophical but those are my thoughts. What are yours?
Schadenfreude Reversal
Inspired by Gore Vidal (1925–2012)’s quote, “Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little”. The titled responsion is…
Is this Schadenfreude reversal self serving? This one-sided tennis match is Vidal against himself, a reflection of the self that highlights the undesirable. Or is it so? Contempt and friend go together like oil and water.
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