Daniel Sanderson
4 min readFeb 17, 2021

It’s a Given!

May you live all the days of your life.

- Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)

Mine, Mine, Mine and the Chaos that Ensues — Another planksip Möbius

Mine, Mine, Mine and the Chaos that Ensues

It’s a Given!

Inspired by Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)’s quote, “May you live all the days of your life”. The titled responsion is…

But really living is what this obvious point is from Jonathan Swift. The meaning you assign to life is the narrator yelling, “Places! Places everyone!! The stage play is ongoing, tragic and never-lasting.

If there is a God who created you and sent His Son to die for you, how can you live all the days of your life knowing that you are not safe? You have given up everything for a life of sin and in order to keep from going to hell you need to live all the days of your life as God intended.

One of the biggest issues that people have today is that they have an idea that God does not want them to live all the days of their life. They think that God is just going to take their life away and make them a slave to His will for their entire life. I am sure if you read the bible you will find that He has just as much control over your life as you do. This is what the Christian religion is based on. All of the religions want you to believe that God wants you to live all the days of your life as He has set it up.

There is no reason that God would put us in this situation when it was made out of His good pleasure. There is a lot of proof in the bible that God planned this for us to live our lives the way He wanted. You cannot trust any of the churches that are teaching that it is all his plan. The bible tells you that He plans all things, not just the things we read about in the bible.

There are so many things that are written in the bible about God and how He has created us. It would be difficult to believe that all these things were all created by Him. He knows every thing that we have been through and that he is in charge of our life.

The bible also teaches us that God is not angry with anyone. You may think that He was angry at Adam and Eve when He destroyed the Garden of Eden, but I bet it was not. He was very much pleased with them when he sent his Son to die for them. This is the kind of attitude that He has towards us.

God has us on earth to make mistakes and then he forgives us and makes things right. He did this with Adam and Eve. He did the same with us. He forgave us when we sinned against him.

The Bible also shows us that we are not responsible for any of the things that we are going to go through in life. This is another reason why He does not live all the days of our life. If He did He would never forgive us. We are responsible for everything that happens in our life and we have to face it head on.

Do you honestly believe that God is just going to let you go to hell if you do not give Him your heart, your soul and your mind right away? He can not forgive you if you do not ask him for help. The only way to get through the day of your life on earth is to have God’s love. That is the only way that He can allow you to live all the days of your life.

God says that He has given us eternal life and we have to accept this as our reward. We cannot ask him to give us more. He has given us all of the good that we want and more. He has all of the good that we need and much more.

As Christians we should follow Christ and trust in Him because that is all that He has to offer. We have to follow him through all of our lives.

May you live all the days of your life and know that you are not responsible for anything that happens. in your life. This is God’s plan for you. We all deserve His love.

Mine, Mine, Mine and the Chaos that Ensues — Another planksip Möbius

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Daniel Sanderson
Daniel Sanderson

Written by Daniel Sanderson

Thoughts, stories and ideas inspired by Giants and driven by Big Data. Book reviews, quotes, and literary analysis are all fair game. Enjoy. #Googleplanksip

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