Nonsensical Sense Abilities
Words are like leaves; and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.
- Alexander Pope (1688–1744)
A Fruitful Still Life by Caravaggio (1571–1610)
Nonsensical Sense Abilities
Inspired by Alexander Pope (1688–1744)’s quote, “Words are like leaves; and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.”. The titled responsion could be interpreted a few ways…
The great awakenings were the result of unscientific use of the scientific method in the process of religious practice. Religious experiences are viewed in terms of proximal as well as distal systems. Distal systems involve the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of a person’s life. Proximal systems are those that pertain to the physiological, mental and emotional processes of everyday living such as eating, breathing, learning and so forth. The spiritual and emotional aspects of life involve the subconscious, imaginal and superconscious minds of an individual.
When we speak of spiritual aspects of life, this also pertains to the level of an individual’s consciousness in relation to God and the universe. The mystical experiences that people report after attending spiritual gatherings, are the direct result of a person’s consciousness being in contact with God. These experiences can be described as being in the presence of a higher energy which is the source of all existence, which is also known as God. It has been proven through scientific study that God exists within each one of us.
There are two major ways of describing the nonsensical sense abilities of an individual, they can be described as being in a state of bliss, or as a state of ecstasy. The former state refers to a person having a state of enlightenment and peace, which is the direct result of being completely relaxed and in a state of bliss. The state of ecstasy is described as being in a state of complete bliss, as well as euphoria, in comparison to the other two states. The word “state” in describing these non-sensical sense abilities is based on the fact that these experiences occur when one is not in a particular state of consciousness. However, these experiences can be experienced in various states of consciousness by an individual depending upon the level of his consciousness.
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