
Daniel Sanderson
4 min readJan 16, 2021


Beauty is the purgation of superfluities.

- Michelangelo (1475–1564)

The Fall of the Fractal and the Rise of the Culture


Inspired by Michelangelo (1475–1564)’s quote, “Beauty is the purgation of superfluities”. The titled responsion is…

Beauty is the purgation of superfluous matters. It’s a concept that’s not just popularized by movies, but by every kind of artistic form. You don’t need to be a religious figure to realize this, as every person should seek to be a beautiful and attractive version of himself or herself.

Beauty is also an extremely important part of personal growth. Our ability to experience beauty is a result of our own internalization of that beauty. When we understand that beauty can come from within, it helps us release our inhibitions and move towards our potential.

As people grow, they are able to move beyond their internal beauty. Their outer beauty is what’s most important, and in many cases that external beauty may outlive their internal beauty. The most effective ways for developing an external beauty are through exercise, healthy eating, proper sleep, and meditation.

Beauty has to do with understanding the distinction between good and evil. Beauty is something that can be experienced, and not something that is innate. In order to develop your inner beauty, it’s important that you understand that beauty is not something you get, but rather something that’s developed over time.

Beauty is also a product of culture. You can be a beautiful person in a culture where beauty is very important, but you will be a beautiful person in another culture where beauty is frowned upon. For this reason, it’s important to try to be both attractive to others and beautiful to yourself.

Beauty has also been defined in a number of different ways. The most popular definition, however, has to do with physical attractiveness. This definition, however, is somewhat subjective.

Another definition of aesthetic beauty, which has become increasingly popular in recent years, is the definition of beauty as subjective, emotional, and personal. With the increasing popularity of “self-help” books and tapes, the idea of beauty is no longer a matter of how a person looks or feels. Instead, it’s important to take a moment to look at the emotional state of the person. This may mean that they need help with an addiction or depression, or that they simply desire to feel special and loved.

Beauty can be anything but a given. It’s important to recognize its importance and use it for good. The beauty that is inside of each of us is a gift that we can’t live without.

We live in a world where beauty is used in so many ways that sometimes we forget the importance of the outer beauty. If we ignore the outer beauty, we become more susceptible to superficiality, to being “used up” by appearances and the superficial.

When we live in a society where beauty is used in a superficial way, we lose our true beauty. There is a great deal of emphasis placed on appearance that causes us to think about our physical appearance. and our appearance alone.

Beauty is a form of beauty, and beauty is about beauty. Beauty is about using the natural gifts that have been endowed upon us by nature. Beauty is the purification of all of these.

Beauty is not about what’s beautiful; it’s about what’s useful. Beauty isn’t about what’s trendy or what sells. Beauty is not about what someone else will notice or what people expect of us.

Beauty isn’t just a physical thing. Beauty is about a human being’s ability to be aware of and use all the wonderful gifts that have been given to her or him by nature. Beauty is a quality of mind, spirit, body, and soul, and beauty is the purification of these qualities.

Sour Cream is Cream Gone Good

Inspired by James Joyce (1882–1941)’s quote, “A corpse is meat gone bad. Well and what’s cheese? Corpse of milk.”. The titled responsion is “Sour Cream is Cream Gone Good”. What follows is subject to revision, do you have any suggestions?

Broken Ideals

Inspired by Victor Hugo (1802–1885)’s quote “To love another person is to see the face of God”. The title responsion is…

Enough with the bastardized and fictionalized version of Goodness that we simplify in the forme of the All-Mighty! Goodness is well-intentioned Platonic “spirit” that we forme in perfected perfectability. The potential to move towards the ideal shouldn’t propagate ideology for this would be less than ideal.

The Fall of the Fractal and the Rise of the Culture — A planksip Möbius



Daniel Sanderson
Daniel Sanderson

Written by Daniel Sanderson

Thoughts, stories and ideas inspired by Giants and driven by Big Data. Book reviews, quotes, and literary analysis are all fair game. Enjoy. #Googleplanksip

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